All Vaccinations

Vaccine Pricing & Schedule

DiseaseAgeDosesScheduleAdditional InformationPriceHow long will the vaccine protect me? 
Chickenpox1 year +TWO DOSES0, 1 monthVARILVAX ®£75/doseLifetimeBook an Appointment
Cholera2 years +2 or 3 (Depending on age)6 Years: 0, 7. 2 – 5 years: 0, 7, 14DUKORAL ®£75/dose2 yearsBook an Appointment
Dengue Fever4 years +TWO DOSES0, 3 monthsQDENGA ®£125/dose4.5 yearsBook an Appointment
Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio6 years +ONE DOSESINGLE DOSEREVAXIS ®£30/dose10 yearsBook an Appointment
Flu Vaccine18 years +ONE DOSESINGLE DOSESEQIRUS£20/doseSeasonalBook an Appointment
Hepatitis A18 years +TWO DOSES0, 6-12 monthsVAQTA ®£40/dose25 years provided booster dose is doneBook an Appointment
Hepatitis A Paed2-17 years +TWO DOSES0, 6-12 monthsVAQTA PAED ®£60/dose25 years provided booster dose is doneBook an Appointment
Hepatitis B16 years +THREE DOSES0, 7, 21 daysENGERIX 20MCG®£40/dose Book an Appointment
Hepatitis B Paed6 months -15yearsTHREE DOSES0, 1, 2 monthsENGERIX 10MCG ®£45/dose Book an Appointment
Japanese Encephalitis6 months +TWO DOSES0, 28 daysIXIARO ®£105/doseup to 2 yearsBook an Appointment
Meningitis ACWY6 months +ONE DOSESINGLE DOSENIMENRIX ®£45/dose Book an Appointment
Meningitis B6 months +TWO DOSES6-23 months: 0, 56 days. 2yrs+:0, 28daysBEXSERO ®£120/dose Book an Appointment
MMR1 year +TWO DOSES0, 28 daysPRIORIX ®£55/dose Book an Appointment
Rabies2 years +THREE DOSES0, 7, 21 daysRABIPUR ®£75/doseup to 2 yearsBook an Appointment
Rabies *RAPID*2 years +THREE DOSES0, 3, 7 daysRABIPUR ®£75/doseup to 2 yearsBook an Appointment
Shingles50 years +TWO DOSES0, 2 monthsSHINGRIX ®£260/course Book an Appointment
Tick-Borne Encephalitis16 years +THREE DOSES0, 1, 5 monthsTICOVAC ®£60/dose3 yearsBook an Appointment
Tick-Borne Paed2 years +THEE DOSES0, 1, 5 monthsTICOVAC JNR ®£65/dose3 yearsBook an Appointment
Typhoid2 years +ONE DOSESINGLE DOSETYPHYM Vi ®£35/dose3 yearsBook an Appointment
Yellow Fever9 months +ONE DOSESINGLE DOSESTAMARIL ®£75/doseLifetimeBook an Appointment